Friday, May 23, 2008

I love my basics.

Outfit breakdown:
Boots - vintage - $40
Stockings - mom - $0
Denim shorts - bluenotes - $20
Necklace - sirens - $5
Sweater (MY NEW FAVORITE!!!) - american apparel - $33

Oh yes, this is a typical 'arby' outfit when im feeling lazy or running out of ideas.

Shorts + leggings/stockings + boots + any comfy shirt

What I like about this is how you can make every outfit still look different by accessorizing or layering. I love wearing this outfit because it's instant chic and easy to put together! My outfits always have to be comfortable hahah. One reader asked me how long it takes me to change in the morning...wellll it really depends. Sometimes, when an outfit feels just 'right' then you can walk out the door and be confident in what you're wearing. But sometimes it takes a couple of wardrobe mixing to finally find something 'right'. I usually prepare my outfits at night before I go to bed so I don't have to stress and think in the morning. But then again, a little part of it always changes because my mood when I wake up is not the same when I slept. Haaahh. So the short answer is it takes me 30 mins to get ready when I already have a pre-planned outfit. If I don't plan ahead, it would take me an hour or 45 mins hehe. Btw, I got that AA sweater just this week and I've worn it 4 times. Gross? Kind of. Haha but I'm out only 2 hours a day for a class or two in school. Maaaan, it's super comfy and sexy and simple and it's basic so it goes with ANYTHING. I wore it with jeans, shorts, leggings, and sweatpants just this week. I can't wait to experiment with it more hehe.

Anyways, I've taken more pictures but maybe I'll save it for the next post..I have another great tip I want to share with you all sooo stay tuned for that! Secret readers, don't be shy to leave comments =) Let's all pray the sun will shine this weekend...I need me some sun!

Love, a.

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